NOTE, ordering information will be provided once your registration has been completed.

Please choose the appropriate tab for your Recreation or Academy/Select player. The steps outlined will help guide you through the ordering process.

Thank you!

Recreational Uniform Ordering

Step One - You should receive an email

The email will contain your own personal ordering link. Please make sure to check the email that you used to register your player.

Step Two - Click the Capelli link within the email

Select the appropriate sizes and quantities. Items that are required will have a preset quantity.

Step Three - If you do not receive an email

First, please check your spam/junk folders. Next, be sure to check any alternate email addresses you may have used. If you are still unable to  find your link, email for Sugar Hill/Buford, or email for Snellville.

Step Four - For any ordering issues you encounter

Email Capelli at

or use the online "Contact Us" form.

Academy/Select Uniform Ordering

Step One - Your Coach/Team Manager will confirm your player's number

Competitive players must have a UNIQUE number. The Coach and Manager will help ensure all players are assigned an approved number.

Step Two - Once your player has a confirmed number

The coach or team manager will direct you to the appropriate weblink to order the proper uniform for their team.

Step Three - Order ASAP to receive your kit for preseason tournaments or the season

Select the appropriate sizes and quantities. Items that are required will have a preset quantity.

Step Four - For any ordering issues you encounter

Email Capelli at or use the online "Contact Us" form.